Biblical Management Principles
Multiple Choice: Select the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet.
1. Scripturally, the concept of management:
A. Means stewardship B. Is not discussed
C. Is just like that of the world D. Is not important
2. Believers are managers of:
A. The Gospel B. Spiritual gifts
C. Finances D. All of these
3. The main requirement for stewards is that they are:
A. Educated B. Faithful
C. Wealthy D. Talented
4. The greatest example of leadership is:
A. Jesus Christ B. Peter
C. Paul D. David
5. The "management of ministry" includes leading like:
A. A servant B. A shepherd
C. Both of these D. Neither of these
6. Good management is important because:
A. It provides purpose and direction B. It eliminates confusion
C. It permits proper decision D. All of these
7. Which of the following are Biblical leadership offices?
A. Elders B. Deacons
C. Bishops D. All of these
8. To "anoint" means:
A. To dedicate or consecrate by B. To bathe
applying oil
C. To put on perfume D. All of these
9. Oil is symbolic of:
A. Death B. The Holy Spirit
C. Creation D. Resurrection
10. The source of anointing for ministry is:
A. God B. Your denomination
C. The seminary where you study D. Learning from others
11. The anointing:
A. Enables you to lead properly B. Breaks the yoke of bondage
C. Establishes your position in God D. All of these
12. God anointing on the basis of:
A. Education B. Experience
C. Intelligence D. Heart attitude
13. Ungodly forces oppose those anointed of God because:
A. They know anointed ministry B. They are supposed to
accomplishes God's purposes
C. They have no choice D. They have nothing better to
14. It is important to minister only in the position for which you are anointed by God because:
A. Your denomination will not B. You will be ineffective
approve otherwise
C. People will not like you if you D. All of these
minister in any other position
15. You can you maintain the fresh anointing of God in your life and ministry by:
A. Attending seminary B. Being ordained
C. Walking continually in the anointing D. Joining the Church
16. As used in this course, spiritual "qualifications" means:
A. Natural abilities B. Character and conduct
C. Education D. All of these
17. The fruit of evangelism is:
A. Fruit of the Holy Spirit B. Being a powerful witness
of the Gospel
C. Reading the Bible D. Praying faithfully
18. The fruit of Christ-like qualities is:
A. Fruit of the Holy Spirit B. Being a powerful witness
of the Gospel
C. Reading the Bible D. Praying faithfully
19. The two main Bible references which give specific qualifications for leaders in the Church are:
A. Revelation 1 and Matthew 3 B. Jude 3 and II Peter 3
C. I Timothy 3 and Titus 1 D. Mark 1 and 4
20. A basic qualification for all Christian leaders is that they are:
A. Born again B. Spiritually mature
C. Have a true call to leadership D. All of these
21. The one leadership style that is uniquely Christian is:
A. Dominant B. Liberal
C. Servant D. Conservative
22. The greatest example of servant leadership is:
A. Paul B. Jesus Christ
C. Moses D. Ezra
23. As Christian leaders we should serve:
A. The Lord B. The unsaved
C. The saved D. All of these
24. The Good Shepherd is:
A. Jesus Christ B. The Pope
C. All true believers D. The Catholic church
25. The one true sheepfold consists of:
A. Jesus Christ B. The Pope
C. All true believers D. The Catholic church
26. The responsibilities of the shepherd include:
A. Leading B. Protecting
C. Feeding D. All of these
27. Shepherds are warned not to:
A. Rule with cruelty B. Rob the sheep
C. Scatter the sheep D. All of these
28. The priority task of leaders is:
A. Gaining more education B. Building a good organization
C. Equipping believers for the D. Setting a firm budget
work of the ministry
29. "Perfecting" means:
A. To prepare or equip B. Being detailed
C. Aging properly D. Building a good organization
30. The results of "perfecting" people for the work of the ministry include:
A. People reaching spiritual maturity B. Unity
C. The ministry being accomplished D. All of these
31. A major responsibility of leaders who perfect believers for the work of the ministry is:
A. Setting the proper example B. Covering up their
own mistakes
C. Teaching leaders to do as they say, D. All of these
not as they do
32. The Biblical method of decision-making is:
A. Voting B. Majority rule
C. Leaders God has set in the Church D. Leaders men elect
33. A model for decision-making is:
A. Not really important B. Not Scriptural
C. An example to follow D. Confusion
34. The purpose of a model is:
A. To provide an example to follow B. To suggest ideas
C. Neither of these D. Both of these
35. You can prevent conflict by:
A. Raising up mature believers B. Operating on Biblical
C. Admitting and correcting your mistakes D. All of these
36. You should exercise Biblical discipline because:
A. It is Scriptural B. It works
C. It restores people to right D. All of these
relationship with God
37. The true reason for conflict is:
A. Spiritually immature believers B. Carnal Christians
C. Believers motivated by the flesh D. All of these
38. God's Word is important in discipline because:
A. It is effective for discipline B. It is effective for instruction
C. It is effective for reproof D. All of these
39. Training others is an important responsibility because:
A. You can become famous B. Those you train will be like
C. More people means more money D. You can build a big ministry
40. The main purpose of training leaders and followers is:
A. For spreading the Gospel B. To have a large church
C. To help denominations grow D. All of these
41. A New Testament example of a model of leadership training is:
A. Paul at Ephesus B. Philip in Samaria
C. Peter on the rooftop D. All of these
42. A Biblical example of someone who triumphed over their failure:
A. King David B. King Saul
C. Both of these D. Neither of these
43. A Biblical example of someone who failed to triumph over failure:
A. King David B. King Saul
C. Both of these D. Neither of these
44. A basic cause of failure is:
A. Failure in relationship B. Sins of omission
C. Sins of commission D. All of these
45. True success is:
A. Only possible through education B. Measured by wealth
C. Impossible to achieve D. The maximum use of
gifts and abilities for God
46. The true test of spiritual leadership is:
A. What happens when you are B. The number of disciples you
no longer present with your disciples have.
C. How many are saved in your ministry D. Whether or not your
denomination ordains you
47. Secular leadership style is one:
A. Of dominion B. Of authority
C. Like "lords" D. All of these
48. When you are selecting disciples you should:
A. Makes the costs clear B. Pray and depend on God
C. Look at potential, not problems D. All of these
Matching: Match the principles of selection discussed in the study of Jesus and His disciples.
A. Association B. Consecration C. Vision D. Instruction
49. Calling for absolute obedience to God and His Word.
50. Sharing life intimately with your followers.
51. Communicating a task greater than the routine of every day living.
52. Teaching.
Matching: Match the principles of selection discussed in the study of Jesus and His disciples.
A. Demonstration B. Participation C. Supervision D. Delegation
53. Doing, not just listening.
54. Showing, not just telling.
55. Giving your disciples a task of their own to do.
56. Making sure the work of the ministry is done correctly.
Matching: Match the type of anointing with the proper meaning.
57. The leper's anointing. A. Holiness
58. The priest's anointing. B. Relationship
59. The leader's anointing. C. Position and power
Matching: Look at the list of positions in List One. Select the best definition in List Two and mark it on your answer sheet.
List One List Two
60. Teacher A. Communicates God's Word in such a way
that others will learn and apply what is
taught; also a leadership position.
61. Leadership B. Motivates people to achieve goals.
62. Administration C. Similar to the pilot of a ship; provides direction
Matching: Look at the list of positions in List One. Select the best definition in List Two and mark it on your answer sheet.
List One List Two
63. Prophet A. Sent with authority to act for another
to develop new churches and oversee them.
64. Apostle B. Speaks under special inspiration to
communicate an immediate message of God to
His people; also a leadership position.
65. Pastor C. Shares the Gospel with unbelievers in a
way that they respond and become responsible
members of the Body of Christ.
66. Evangelist D. Assumes long-term leadership for the
spiritual welfare of believers; word means "shepherd".
Matching: Look at the fruit of the Holy Spirit in List One. Select the best definition in List Two and mark it on your answer sheet.
List One List Two
67. Temperance A. Self-control
68. Longsuffering B. Gladness, delight
69. Peace C. Quiet, calm, harmony
70. Joy D. Patient endurance
Matching: Look at the fruit of the Holy Spirit in List One. Select the best definition in List Two and mark it on your answer sheet.
List One List Two
71. Goodness A. Mild manner, not severe
72. Gentleness B. Righteous acts
73. Faith C. Strong confidence in God
74. Meekness D. Controlled strength
True Or False? Mark your answer under either T or F on the answer sheet:
75. Good management is a ministry.
76. Leadership involves position, but not function.
77. Those with spiritual gifts like evangelism, teaching, and leadership, should work independently of each other to avoid conflict.
78. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is not required for leadership.
79. A good sense of humor is important in leadership.
80. The first step in problem solving is to identify the problem.
81. You cannot disagree without conflict.
82. It is not what you know but who you know that really makes you successful
83. If you fail one time as a leader, you might as well give up and not try again.
Personal True Or False: Mark the following personal responses either true or false.
84. I completed reading the text for this course..
85. I completed the self-tests at the end of each chapter.