Module:    1

Course:    Creative Bible Study Methods




Multiple Choice:  Select the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet:


1.  The word "Bible" means:

            A.  Writing                                           B.  The books

            C.  Holy                                               D.  Literature


2.  The word "Scripture" means:

            A.  Writing                                           B.  All the books

            C.  Holy                                               D.  Literature


3.  The two major divisions of the Bible are:

            A.  Prophecy and poetry                       B.  Gospels and epistles

            C.  Old and new testaments                  D.  Law and history  


4.  The number of books in the Bible:

            A.  39                                                  B.  27

            C.  64                                                  D.  66


5.  The number of books in the Old Testament:

            A.  39                                                  B.  27

            C.  64                                                  D.  66


6.  The number of books in the New Testament:

            A.  39                                                  B.  27

            C.  64                                                  D.  66


7.  The Old Testament books are divided into the following categories:

            A.  Law, history, poetry, prophecy        B. Gospels, history, epistles, prophecy

            C.  Neither of these.                            D.  Both of these


8.  The New Testament books are divided into the following categories:

            A.  Law, history, poetry, prophecy        B. Gospels, history, epistles, prophecy

            C.  Neither of these.                            D.  Both of these


9.  The word "testament" means:

            A.  The books                                      B.  Covenant

            C.  Writing                                           D.  A plan


10.  The purpose of the Bible includes:

            A.  Doctrine                                         B.  Correction

            C.  Instruction                                      D.  All of these


11.  The "unity of the Bible" means:

            A.  It is united in content                       B.  It is united in theme

            C.  Both of these                                  D.  Neither of these 


12.  The "diversity of the Bible" means:

            A.  It has variety                                   B.  It conflicts itself

            C.  It is united in content                       D.  Different men wrote it


13.  The revelation of both Old and New Testaments is centered on:

            A.  Satan                                           B.  Man

            C.  Sin                                               D.  Jesus Christ


14.  The Bible is:

            A.  Not divinely inspired                      B.  Similar to the Koran

            C.  The written Word of God                D.  Just one of many divine manuscripts


15.  A translation of the Bible:

            A.  Translates word for word                B.  Translates letter by letter

            C.  Translates thought by thought        D.  None of these


16.  A paraphrase of the Bible:

            A.  Translates word for word                B.  Translates letter by letter

            C.  Translates thought by thought        D.  All of these


17.  The word "version" means:

            A.  The same as translation        B.  Written in the same language as the original manuscript of the Bible 

            C.  The same as paraphrase       D.  Written in a language other than what the Bible was originally written


18.  The language in which the Bible was originally written is:

            A.  Hebrew                                                       B.  Greek

            C.  Aramaic                                                      D.  All of these


19.  Geography tells ___________ an event happened:

            A.  When                                                         B.  Where

            C.  Why                                                           D.  How


20.  History of chronology tells ___________ an event happened:

            A.  When                                                         B.  Where

            C.  Why                                                           D.  How


21.  Biblical archaeology is:

            A. The study of the future                                  B.  The study of the past

            C.  The same as geography                               D.  None of these


22.  Which is the oldest date?  

            A.  500 B.C.                                                    B.  l000 B.C.

            C.  2000 A.D.                                                  D.  100 A.D.


23.  The difference between a translation and a paraphrase version of the Bible is:

            A.  A translation is word for word                                  B.  A paraphrase is word for word

             C.  A paraphrase is not true to  original Scripture          D.  A translation is not true to original Scripture


24.  The word "prerequisite" means:

            A.  Afterwards                                                                          B.  Before creation

            C.  Something you must do before you can do something else     D.  None of these        


25.  The key prerequisite for understanding the Bible is:

            A.  Attending a good Bible college        B.  Knowing God

            C.  A good Bible commentary               D.  Good study skills


26.  In order for you to study His Word, God has provided:

            A.  Teachers                                       B.  The Holy Spirit

            C.  Both of these                                 D.  Neither of these


27.  The great Teacher sent from God after Jesus returned to Heaven was:

            A.  The Holy Spirit                               B.  Peter

            C.  Paul                                               D.  John


28.  The "milk " of the Word of God means:

            A.  Truths difficult to understand            B.  Truths simple to understand

            C.  Both of these                                 D.  Neither of these


29.  The "meat" of the Word of God means:

            A.  Truths difficult to understand            B.  Truths simple to understand

            C.  Both of these                                 D.  Neither of these


30.  In order to move from the milk to the meat of the Word of God you should:

            A.  Desire to do it                                B.  Be obedient

            C.  Search for the meat                        D.  All of these


31.  To "rightly divide" the Word of truth means:

            A.  To discuss it                                  B.  To interpret it properly

            C.  To read what others say                  D.  None of these


32.  The "verbal" inspiration of the Bible means:

            A.  Every word in the original was not fully inspired     B.  Every word in the original was fully inspired

            C.  Partial inspiration of Scripture                              D.  None of these


33.  The "plenary" inspiration of the Bible means:

            A.  Full inspiration of Scripture                                          B.  Partial inspiration of Scripture

            C.  Every word in the original manuscript was not inspired   D.  None of these


34.  Those who add to God's Word are warned that:

            A.  All the plagues in the Word will be added to them          B.  Their name will be deleted from the book of life

            C.  Both of these                                                              D.  Neither of these


35.  Those who take from God's Word are warned that:

            A.  All the plagues in the Word  will be added to them         B.  Their name will be deleted from the book of life

            C.  Both of these                                                              D.  Neither of these


36.  According to the Biblical record, who was the first man to write down God's Words at His direction?

            A.  Job                                                 B.  Abraham

            C.  Moses                                            D.  Adam


37.  To be a "doer of the Word and not a hearer only" means:

            A.  You should listen to the Word  and not be involved in doing it       B.  You should do the Word and not just listen to it

            C.  To listen is better than to do                                                      D.  None of these


38.  It is important that you always study a verse within its:

            A.  Context                                                      B.  Setting

            C.  Chapter                                                      D.  All of these


39.  A key word is: 

A.  Often repeated                                  B.  Important to the meaning of the verse                                                                 

C.  Important in the chapter                               D.  All of these


40.  Read  the list below.  Which word is a key word and would be a good subject for word study?

A.  He                                                             B.  Temperance

C.  She                                                           D.  If




Matching:  Match each Bible study tool in List One with the proper description in List Two:


            List One                      List Two

41.  Commentary                      A.  Provides comments on the Bible, verse by verse, chapter by chapter.

42.  Bible dictionary                  B.  Maps and information on the geographical setting of the Bible.

43.  Bible atlas                         C.  Like a regular dictionary, but defines words as they are  used in the Bible rather than modern times.

44.  Concordance                     D.  Helps you locate references.



Matching:  Match each Bible study tool in List One with the proper description in List Two:


            List One                      List Two

45.  Bible encyclopedia             A.  Lists topics of the Bible and scriptural references for them.

46.  Topical Bible                     B.  Detailed study of Biblical words.

47.  Word study books              C.  General information on the Bible: background, history, etc.



Matching:  Match each form of Biblical poetry in List One with the correct definition in List Two:


            List One                      List Two

48.  Synonymous parallelism     A.  The second and following lines give an illustration or emblems to express the truth of the first line.

49.  Emblematic parallelism       B.  The second and following lines express an opposite truth which relates to the first line of the poem.

50.  Antithetic parallelism           C.  The second and following lines express a thought identical to the first line. 

51.  Synthetic parallelism           D.  The second and following lines each build on the truth expressed in the first line.



Matching:  Match each type of Biblical poetry in List One with the correct definition in List Two:


            List One                      List Two

52.  Dramatic poetry                 A.  This type of poetry is sung.

53.  Epic poetry                        B.  This type of poetry is a drama.

54.  Lyric poetry                       C.  This type of poetry is narrative or in story form.  It often tells of heroic action.



Matching:  Match each part of speech in List One with the definition in List Two:


            List One                      List Two

55.  Noun                                 A.  An action word.

56.  Adjective                           B.  Tells how something was done.

57.  Verb                                  C.  A descriptive word.

58.  Adverb                              D.  Name of a person, place, or thing.



Matching:  Match each form of Biblical writing in List One to the correct definition in List Two:


       List One (form)                   List Two (definition)

59.  Discourse form                   A.  Story form

60.  Poetic                                 B.  Psalms is an example

61.  Parable                               C.  Like a sermon

62.  Narrative                            D.  Short stories to illustrate spiritual truth



Matching:  Match each connective word in List One with the correct definition in List Two:


            List One                      List Two

63.  Like, As                        A.  Shows a contrast is going to be made.

64.  And                               B.  Means something is going to be added to what has been said.

65.  If                                   C.  Reveals that a comparison is going to be made.

66.  But, or, of                      D.  Shows what has been said is conditional upon the response of God's people.



Matching:  Read each description and identify the type of Bible study:


A.  The devotional method               B.  The topical method 

          C.  Book study                                 D.  Chapter study


67.  Synthetic study.

68.  Study of God's Word chapter by chapter.

69.  Study of a specific subject.

70.  Stresses dedication, consecration, and worship.



Matching:  Read each description and identify the type of Bible study:


            A.  Paragraph study               B.  Verse study

            C.  Bible survey                      D.  Biographical study


71.  Study of the life of a Biblical personality.

72.  Study of sections of a chapter.

73.  Synthetic Bible study.

74.  This should always be done in the context of a paragraph and chapter.



Matching:  Read each description and identify the type of Bible study:


            A.  Synthetic study                 B.  Theological study

            C.  Analytical study                D.  Typological study


75.  Study of Bible types.

76.  Study of a basic Bible doctrine.

77.  To survey something for general content; like a book survey.

78.  To study the individual parts in detail.



Matching:  Match each theological term in List One with the correct definition in List Two:


            List One                      List Two

79.  Christology                        A.  The study of the doctrine of the Bible.

80.  Bibliology                          B.  The study of Jesus Christ.

81.  Eschatology                        C.  The study of the doctrine of the Church.

82.  Ecclesiology                       D.  The study of last things.



Matching:  Match each theological term in List One with the definition in List Two:


            List One                      List Two

83.  Angelology                        A.  The doctrine of salvation.

84.  Soteriology                        B.  The study of man.

85.  Demonology                      C.  The study of good angels.

86.  Anthropology                     D.  The study of bad angels.



Matching:  Match each theological term in List One with the  definition in List Two:


            List One                      List Two

87.  Satanology                        A.  The study of the doctrine of Satan.

88.  Pneumatology                    B.  The study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.



Matching:  Look up each reference in your Bible.  Identify the form of Biblical poetry which is used in that passage:


            A.  Antithetic              B.  Emblematic

            C.  Synonymous         D.  Synthetic


89.  Look up  Psalms 3:l.  This verse is written in ______________ parallelism.

90.  Look up  Psalms l:6. This verse is written in ______________  parallelism.

91.  Look up  Psalms l:l-2.  This verse is written in _____________ parallelism.

92.  Look up  Psalms 42:l.  This verse is written in _____________ parallelism.



True Or False?  Mark your answer under either T or F on the answer sheet:


93.  The Bible is the written Word of the one true God.

94.  Although God inspired the Bible, He used men to write down His words.

95.  Because there were many writers over many years, the Bible contains contradictions.

96.  There is no united theme of the Bible. It is just a collection of books on different subjects.

97.  The major prophets of the Old Testament are more important than the minor prophets.

98.  No translation of the Bible is exact.



Personal True Or False:  Mark the following personal responses either true or false:


99.   I completed reading the text for this course.

100.  I completed the self-tests at the end of each chapter.