Leaven-Like Evangelism





Multiple Choice:  Select the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet:


1.  Evangelism is:


            A.  A series of meetings                                                            B.  Proclaiming good news


            C.  The same as revival                                                 D.  The same as social



2.  "The lost" means:


            A.  All people who have not repented from sin              B.  The unsaved

C.  Those who have not experienced the new birth        D.  All of these


3.  "The destiny of the lost" is:


A.  Unknown                                                                            B.  Purgatory

C.  Hell                                                                                    D.  Heaven


4.  Evangelism involves:


            A.  Proclamation                                                                       B.  Persuasion

            C.  Both of these                                                                      D.  Neither of these


5.  In order to fulfill the mandate of evangelism it is necessary to:


            A.  Give it extra time when possible                               B.  Attend Bible college

            C.  Give it first priority                                                  D.  Be ordained as a










6.  The "Gospel of the Kingdom" is:


A.  All that pertains to Jesus                                                      B.  The ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus



            C.  John 3:16                                                                            D.  All of these


7.  Concerning spiritual harvest Jesus said:


            A.  It is ripe now                                                                       B.  Laborers are few

            C.  Do not delay                                                                       D.  All of these


8.  The basic elements of the Gospel are listed in:


            A.  I Corinthians 15:1-4                                                            B.  Galatians 6:1-3

            C.  Romans 1:3-6                                                                     D.  I Corinthians 13:1-6


9.  According to the Scriptures, your role in evangelism is:


            A.  To be a messenger of the Gospel                             B.  Not necessary

            C.  To gain new members of your Church                     D.  Not clearly defined


10.  The word "witness" means to testify of something you have:


            A.  Seen                                                                                   B.  Heard

            C.  Experienced                                                                        D.  All of these


11.  The word "laity" means:


            A.  Professional ministers                                                          B.  All the people of God

            C.  Church members only                                                         D. Denominational leaders


12.  The term "clergy" means:


            A.  Professional ministers                                                          B.  All the people of God

            C.  Church members only                                                         D.  None of these







13.  The "calling of the laity" means:


            A.  Only the laity are to share the Gospel                       B.  Ministers are the only

ones called to share the



            C.  Every believer is to be a witness                              D.  None of these


14.  What Scripture reference provides a pattern for communicating the Gospel to people of other cultures?


            A.  Acts 26:18                                                              B.  Galatians 6:1-3

            C.  John 3:16                                                                            D.  I Corinthians 15:1-4


15.  God's process for multiplying believers is:


            A.  Acts 26:18                                                              B.  II Timothy 2:2

            C.  John 3:16                                                                            D.  I Corinthians 15:1-4


16.  A New Testament man who was a good example of spiritual multiplication was:


            A.  Nicodemus                                                             B.  Thomas

            C.  Paul                                                                                    D.  Lazarus


17.  The priority for evangelizing is:


A.  Existing social networks                                                      B.  Receptive areas

C.  Unreached people                                                               D.  All of these


18.  A parable is:


            A.  A natural example of                                                           B.  A good illustration but

            a spiritual truth                                                              with no spiritual



            C.  A lie                                                                                   D.  Never really possible

to understand








19.  Jesus used parables to teach His followers because:


            A.  His audience was not educated                                B.  He did not approve of

other teaching methods


            C.  Those with spiritual minds could                              D.  Those with unspiritual          understand what He said                                                            minds could understand            

                                                                                                what He said


20.  "Personal evangelism" means:


            A.  One-on-one witnessing                                                       B.  Teaching the Gospel on

an individual basis


            C.  Sharing personally with others                                 D.  All of these


21.  Personal evangelism can be done by:


            A.  Silent witness                                                                      B.  Verbal witness

            C.  Gospel tracts                                                                      D.  All of these


22.  People make excuses in evangelism encounters because:


            A.  They have heard someone else                                B.  Satanic thoughts are

            make the same excuse                                                  inserted in their minds


            C.  They have legitimate questions                                 D.  All of these


23.  "Saturation" means:


            A.  To fill partially                                                                     B.  To fill completely

            C.  To empty                                                                            D.  None of these


24.  The word "convert" means:


            A.  A new believer                                                                    B.  A disciple

            C.  An unbeliever                                                                      D.  A good prospect


25.  In New Testament evangelism priorities were:


            A.  Rural areas first then cities                                       B.  Rural areas only

            C.  Cities first then rural areas                                       D.  Cities only  


26.  The word "disciple" means:


            A.  A new believer                                                                    B.  A learner, pupil

            C.  An unbeliever                                                                      D.  The same as convert


27.  The true test of discipleship is:


A.  What happens when you are no                                           B.  What happens while

longer present with your disciples                                              you are present with your



C.  Not valid                                                                            D.  Actually unknown


28.  Planning helps you:


            A.  Make good decisions                                                          B.  Be accountable

            C.  Establish ministry priorities                                       D.  All of these


29.  "Networking" means:


            A.  Individual effort                                                                   B.  Factionalism

            C.  Denominational effort                                                          D.  Team effort


30.  Networking results in:


            A.  Unity                                                                                  B.  Disharmony

            C.  Division                                                                              D.  Factions


31.  The original source of sickness is:


            A.  God                                                                                    B.  Germs

            C.  Satan                                                                                  D.  Man


32.  God views sickness as:


A.  Bondage                                                                             B.  Oppression

C.  Captivity                                                                             D.  All of these






33.  Although all legitimate healing comes from God, "divine healing" may be defined as:


A.  Healing by medicine                                                B.  Healing by God

C.  Physic healing                                                         D.  Natural healing


34.  The end result of sickness may be:


A.  Death                                                                                 B. Healing for the glory of



C.  Neither of these                                                                  D.  Either of these


35.  A purpose of divine healing is to:


A.  Verify the messenger and message                                       B.  Glorify God


C.  Demonstrate the character of God                                       D.  All of these


36.  According to the Bible, deliverance should be done only by:


A.  Apostles and prophets                                                        B.  Evangelists and


C.  True believers                                                                     D.  Ordained ministers


37.  "Demon possession" is:


A.  Compulsive thinking about demons                                      B.  Caused by depression

And discouragement


C.  Demons controlling body, soul, spirit                                   D.  Not Scriptural


38.  Divine healing is taught:


A.  In the Old Testament                                               B.  In the New Testament

C.  In both testaments                                                   D.  In neither testament








39.  "Demon obsession" is:


A.  Compulsive thinking about demons                                      B.  Caused by depression

and discouragement


C.  Total control of body, soul, spirit                                         D.  Not Scriptural


40.  A characteristic of a demon obsessed person is:


A.  Incapacity for normal living                                      B.  Preoccupied with



C.  Both of these                                                                      D.  Neither of these     


41.  Demons gain control:


A.  Through the mind                                                                B.  By sinful actions

C.  By permission                                                                     D.  All of these


42.  A characteristic of a demon possessed person is:


            A.  Fits of rage                                                 B.  Uncontrollable behavior

            C.  Speaking with the voice of another              D.  All of these


43.  The word "Church" means:


            A.  The Protestant church                                             B.  Various denominations

            C.  The Catholic church                                                D.  The ones called out


44.  The true head of the Church is:


            A.  Jesus Christ                                                            B.  Your pastor

            C.  All true believers                                         D.  The pope


45.  The body of the Church is:


            A.  Jesus Christ                                                            B.  Your pastor

            C.  All true believers                                         D.  The pope


46.  Leadership in the Church is:


            A.  Set by God                                                 B.  Chosen by man

            C.  Both of these                                                          D.  Neither of these


47.  The mission of the Church is:


            A.  Evangelism                                                  B.  Edification

            C.  Both of these                                                          D.  Neither of these


48.  An excellent model of a New Testament Church was at:


            A.  Thessalonica                                                           B.  Corinth

            C.  Ephesus                                                                  D.  All of these


49.  A ministry priority of the Apostle Paul was:


            A.  Unreached peoples                                     B.  Reached peoples

            C.  Synagogues                                                            D.  Jerusalem


50.  An evidence of internal growth in a church is:


            A.  Spiritual growth                                                                   B.  Its size

            C.  Its facilities                                                              D.  Its programs


51.  When a church experiences true expansion growth it:


            A.  Gains members from another church                                    B.  Wins new converts

                                                                                                            to Jesus Christ


            C.  Both of these                                                                      D.  Neither of these



52.  Extension growth occurs when:


            A.  There is a church split                                                          B.  An existing church

starts    a new church


            C.  New members come from another                           D.  All of these

            existing church









53.  "Bridging growth" of the church occurs when:


            A.  A church plants another in a                                                B.  A church plants a new         different culture                                                             church in their own



            C.  An existing church splits                                          D.  None of these



Matching:  Match each parable to the evangelism principle it teaches:


            Parable                                                                       Principle


54.  The Empty Banquet Table              A.  Reveals God's concern for the lost


55.  The Barren Fig Tree                                  B.  Just because some refuse the invitation do not                                                                      give up


56.  The Lost Sheep, Coin, And Son    C.  Emphasizes wise stewardship of the Gospel


57.  The Servant Parables                                 D.  God is not pleased with this



Matching:  Match each parable to the evangelism principle it teaches:


            Parable                                                                       Principle


58.  The Sower                                    A.  The enemy sows these in the wheat


59.  The Tares                          B.  There is no multiplication without the Word of



60.  The Fishing Net                             C.  Small in the beginning, large in the end


61.  The Mustard Seed             D.  Some who respond are sincere, others are not









Matching:  How would you deal with the following common difficulties that arise in personal evangelism?   Match the correct response with each difficulty:


            Difficulty                                                         Responses


62.  "I not good enough".                                  A.  Ezekiel 36:26-27


63.  "The Christian life is too hard".       B.  God requires faith, not moral fitness


64.  "I cannot give up my evil ways".     C.  Philippians 4:13


65.  "My heart is too hard".                               D.  The way of transgressors is hard


Matching:  How would you deal with the following common difficulties that arise in personal evangelism?   Match the correct response with each difficulty:


            Difficulty                                                                     Responses


66.  "I will have lots of company in Hell".                       A.  I John 1:7


67.  "I do not understand the Bible".                              B.  Revelation 22:15


68.  "There are too many contradictions in the Bible".    C.  I Corinthians 2:14


69.  "I am good enough already".                                              D.  Show me one




Matching:  How would you deal with the following common difficulties that arise in personal evangelism?   Match the correct response with each difficulty:


            Difficulty                                                         Responses


70.  "My husband is standing in my way".          A.  Agree with him


71.  "There are hypocrites in the church".                       B.  Matthew 10:37


72.  "I am of another faith".                                           C.  Luke 23:43


73.  "It is too late for me".                                             D.  Salvation is in Jesus, not

                                                                                    in church membership



Matching:  How would you deal with the following common difficulties that arise in personal evangelism?   Match the correct response with each difficulty:


            Difficulty                                                         Responses


74.  "I would rather not accept Christ now".      A.  II Corinthians 12:9-10


75.  "My problems are too difficult".                  B.  Today is the day of salvation


76.  "I have been seeking, but cannot find".        C.  Romans 2:4-5


77.  "God is too good to punish me".                 D.  Jeremiah 29:13


Matching:  How would you deal with the following common difficulties that arise in personal evangelism?   Match the correct response with each difficulty:


            Difficulty                                                                     Responses


78.  "I cannot forgive someone".                                                A.  Romans 8:37


79.  "It is not possible because of my business".             B.  Mark 11:25


80.  "I tried once and failed".                                         C.  John 1:12


81.  "I do not have assurance".                                      D.  Mark 8:36



Matching:  Match the type of sinner in List One with the correction definition in List Two:


            List One                                                          List Two


82.  The rational sinner              A.  Trusts his denomination for salvation

83.  The reformed sinner                       B.  Believes he is as good as anyone else

84.  The religious sinner                        C.  More concerned about his problems than salvation

85.  The rejected sinner                        D.  Appears to be very intellectual


True Or False?  Mark your answer under either T or F on the answer sheet:


86.  Planning is not really Biblical.


87.  The Church is a good example of networking.


88.  There is no real value of the gift of discernment when it comes to dealing with demons.


89.  The message of the Gospel is not really universal.


90.  It is necessary to follow-up a new convert.  


91.  It is important to give follow-up care to those who are healed.


92.  It is not necessary to give follow-up care to those who are not healed.


93.  Divine healing is sometimes affected by the traditions of man.


94.  The Gospel should not be presented with the demonstration of power because it is distracting.


95.  Every believer is to do the work of an evangelist.


96.  Every believer has the gift of evangelism.


97.  The need for repentance is universal because sin is universal.


98.  Healing and deliverance were part of New Testament evangelistic outreaches.


Personal True Or False:  Mark the following personal responses either true or false:


99.   I completed reading the text for this course..


100.  I completed the self-tests at the end of each chapter.