Battle For The Body





Multiple Choice:  Select the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet:


1.   The two divisions made in I Corinthians 15:44-49 are:


            A.  Milk and meat                                             B.  Good and evil

            C.  Satan and demons                           D.  Natural and spiritual


2.   The two invisible kingdoms in the world today are:


            A.  Communist and capitalist                 B.  Protestants and Catholics

            C.  Kingdoms of God and Satan                       D.  None of the above


3.   The word "kingdom" means:


            A.  A state                                                        B. A territory or people over whom     

                                                                        a king reigns


            C.  A group                                                      D.  A political party


4.  "Spiritual warfare" is:


            A.  A vain imagination                           B.  A supernatural battle

            C.  A natural battle                                           D.  A social condition


5.  Spiritual warfare was originally started:


            A.  In Heaven                                       B.  By God

            C.  In Hell                                                        D.  On earth



6.   The basic reason behind great spiritual conflict is:


A.  Unknown                                                    B.  Man

            C.  God                                                            D.  Sin



7.   The basic principle for understanding spiritual warfare is:


            A.  Natural battles of life have               B.  All problems are from God

            spiritual causes


            C.  All problems originate with man       D.  All problems are from Satan


8.  Although all legitimate healing is divine in a sense, "divine healing" may be defined as:


            A.  Healing by medicine                                    B.  Healing by God

            C.  Physic healing                                             D.  Natural healing


9.  The difference between healing and deliverance is:


A.  Healing deals more with                              B.  Healing is more important

            demonically caused conditions               than deliverance


            C.  Deliverance deals with                                 D.  Deliverance is more important

            demonically caused conditions               than healing


10.  Death and disease originally entered the world through:


            A.  Creation                                                     B.  Sin

            C.  Demonic curses                                          D.  All of these


11.  The original source of sickness is:


            A.  God                                                            B.  Germs

            C.  Satan                                                          D.  Man


12.  God view sickness as:


            A.  Bondage                                                     B.  Oppression

            C.  Captivity                                                     D.  All of these


13.  A reason for sickness is:


            A.  Violation of natural laws                  B.  Violation of spiritual laws

            C.  Satanic attacks                                            D.  All of these





14.  The destruction of the flesh in order to save the spirit is done to:


            A.  Purge out evil before others             B.  Demonstrate the pastor's

            are affected                                                      authority


            C.  Give sinners what they deserve        D.  All of these


15.  Spiritual sickness is:


            A.  Sin                                                  B.  Harmful attitudes

            C.  Organic disorders               D.  Psychological conditions


16.  Physical sickness is:


            A.  Sin                                                  B.  Harmful attitudes

            C.  Organic disorders               D.  Psychological conditions


17.  Emotional sickness is:


            A.  Sin                                                  B.  Caused by harmful attitudes

            C.  An organic disorder                        D.  Caused by viruses


18.  Mental sickness is:


            A.  Sin                                                  B.  Mostly organic

            C.  Caused by viruses               D.  Psychological conditions


19.  A purpose of healing is to:


            A.  Verify the messenger and message   B.  Glorify God

            C.  Demonstrate the character of God   D.  All of these


20.  "Spiritual gifts" are:


            A.  Natural talents                                             B.  Gained by education

            C.  Supernatural abilities                                   D.  Necessary for salvation


21.  A spiritual gift which especially complements the gifts of healing is:


            A.  The gift of faith                                            B.  The gift of miracles

            C.  A word of knowledge                                 D.  All of these



22.  Healing is to be ministered by:


            A.  All true believers                             B.  Those with the gift of healing

            C.  Pastors only                                                D.  Apostles and prophets


23.  Paul's thorn in the flesh was from:


            A.  God                                                            B.  Satan

            C.  Both of these                                              D.  Neither of these


24.  According to the Bible, Paul's thorn in the flesh was given to:


            A.  Prevent sin                                      B.  Torment him

            C.  Illustrate sickness                            D.  All of these


25.  Paul's thorn in the flesh:


            A.  Prevented him from ministry                        B.  Was finally healed by God

            C.  Is not really Scriptural                                 D.  None of these


26.  A variable that affects healing is:


            A.  Unbelief                                                      B.  Unconfessed sin

            C.  Refusal to be made whole               D.  All of these


27.  The demons that attack the body, soul, and spirit are:


            A.  Seducing spirits                                           B.  Unclean spirits

            C.  Spirits of infirmity                            D.  All of these


28.  A characteristic a demonically oppressed person is:


            A.  Incapacity for normal living                          B.  Preoccupation with demons

            C.  Mental oppression                                      D.  None of these        


29.  A characteristic of a demon obsessed person is:


            A.  Incapacity for normal living                          B.  Preoccupation with demons

            C.  Mental oppression                                      D.  None of these        





30.  According to the Bible, deliverance should only be done by:


            A.  Apostles and prophets                                            B.  Evangelists and teachers

            C.  True believers                                                         D.  Ordained ministers only


31.  A characteristic of a demonically possessed person may include:


            A.  Fits of rage                                                 B.  Changes in voice and


            C.  Incapacity for normal living                          D.  All of these


32.  Demons gain control:


A.  through the mind                                                     B.  By sinful actions

            C.  By permission                                                         D.  All of these


33. According to the Bible, deliverance from demons may be aided by:


A.  Giving louder commands to the demon                    B.  Fasting

            C.  Conversing with the demon                         D.  All of these


34.  You can protect yourself from demonic powers by:


A.  Being born again                                                     B.  Being Spirit filled

            C.  Both of these                                                          D.  Neither of these


35.  A good verse for unanswered questions is:


            A.  Deuteronomy 29:29                                                B.  John 3:16

            C.  Galatians 3:1                                                           D.  I John 1:8


Matching:  Match the proper response to each tradition of man regarding divine healing:


            Tradition Of Man                                                       Proper Response


36.  Healing and miracles are not for today.       A.  Hebrews 9:27


37.  Why aren't all the dead raised?                               B.  It is not a substitute for the blessings

                                                                                    of atonement




38.  If it works, why do Christians die?             C.  There is a difference between special

                                                                                    miracles and covenant miracles


39.  Modern medicine makes it unnecessary.     D.  Exodus 15:26



Matching:  Match the proper response to each tradition of man regarding divine healing:


            Tradition Of Man                                                       Proper Response


40.  It is taught by false cults.                                        A.  Divine healing should never be preached                                                                              apart from salvation


41.  The body is emphasized more than the soul.           B.  Sickness is not synonymous with sin


42.  You are sick because of your sin.                           C.  Then do not take medicine to

get well


43.  It is God's will for you to be sick.                           D.  It is not the same kind of

divine healing


Matching:  Match the proper response to each tradition of man regarding divine healing:


            Tradition Of Man                                                       Proper Response


44.  This is an affliction of the righteous.             A.  Consult the New Testament and

church history


45.  Divine healing is rare.                                             B.  Define "affliction" Scripturally


46.  Your sickness is your cross.                                   C.  Taking up the cross is a voluntary

act.  Illness is not voluntary.









Matching: Match the following terms used for healing with the correction



            Term                                                   Definition


47.  Psychic healing                  A.  Unnatural spiritual force

48.  Supernatural healing           B.  Mind over matter

49.  Medical healing                  C.  Aided by doctors and nurses


Matching: Match the following terms used for healing with the correction



            Term                                                   Definition


50.  Divine healing                    A.  Focuses attention on the one ministering healing

51.  Natural healing                   B.  Healing by God

52.  Faith healing                      C.  Occurs through bodily processes


True Or False?  Mark your answer under either T or F on the answer sheet:


53.  There is no difference between healing and deliverance.


54.  Healing and deliverance are not really related to the divine commission to preach the Gospel to the world.


55.  When you are sick it is always a sign of personal sin in your life.


56.  Sickness sometimes results from Satanic activity.


57.  Sickness can result from a violation of the natural laws of God.


58.  Improperly discerning the Body of Christ can result in sickness.


59.  There are two types of death discussed in Scriptures.


60.  The Scriptures prove that healing is a benefit of the atonement of Jesus Christ.


61.  There are no preventative measures that may be taken against sickness.


62.  The Old Testament does not teach anything about healing.


63.  Follow-up care is necessary for those delivered from demons.


64.  Follow-up care is not necessary for those who receive divine healing.


65.  It is important to spend time talking with a demon if it manifests itself. 


66.  If a person is not healed it is always a sign of lack of faith.


67.  There is a "sickness unto death".


68.  Divine healing is always immediate.


69.  Medical healing is not Scriptural.


70.  Divine healing is not a benefit of the atonement.


71.  You will always be healed immediately when you pray.


Personal True Or False?  Mark the following personal responses either true or false:


72.  I completed reading the text for this course.


73.  I completed the self-tests at the end of each chapter.