MULTIPLE CHOICE:  Select the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet:


1.         The greatest scriptural mandate for prison ministry is given in:

                        A.        Matthew 25:31-40.

                        B.         John 3:16.

                        C.        Genesis 1:1.

                        D.        Revelation 1:1.


2.         Believers should concerned about prison ministry because. . .

                        A.        Prison ministry has a direct Scriptural mandate.

                        B.         We should follow the example Christ set by ministering to prisoners.

                        C.        Prisons meet the criteria of any mission field: Lost people and a need for            laborers.

                        D.        All of these.


3.         A social goal of  prison ministry includes:

                        A.        Helping the inmate function more positively within the prison


                        B.         Providing a link between the community and persons confined in

correctional institutions.

                        C.        Preparing residents for re‑entry into society.

                        D.        All of these.


4.         Our greatest example of prison ministry is:

                        A.         The chaplain.

                        B.         Martin Luther King.

            C.        Jesus Christ.

                        D.        None of these.


5.         For every person incarcerated, how many other people are affected?

A.        No one else is really affected.              

                        B.         Three to five others.

                        C.        Only their mate if they have one.

                        D.        None of the above.





6.         Which of the following attitudes is important in prison ministry?

                        A.        Courage.

                        B.         Cooperation.

                        C.        Humility.

                        D.        They are all important.


7.         Spiritual goals of prison ministry include:


                        A.        To share the unconditional love of God.

                        B.         To disciple new believers in the Word and teach them how to study the


                        C.        To demonstrate the power of prayer and teach them to pray.

                        D.        All of these.


8.         If you are fearful going into a prison you should...

                        A.        Not go into a prison.

                        B.         Get some therapy regarding your fears.

                        C.        Recognize where the spirit of fear comes from and rebuke it.

                        D.        Realize prison ministry is not for you.


9.         The greatest motivating force behind any ministry is:

                        A.        The desire for recognition.

                        B.         Unconditional love.

                        C.        Recognizing the importance of volunteering.

                        D.        All of the above.


10.       As a volunteer you will primarily be involved with...

                        A.        Inmates.

                        B.         Correctional officers.

                        C.        The chaplain.

                        D.        All of the above.


11.       You should talk with your pastor before starting a prison ministry because...

                        A.        It is common courtesy.

                        B.         Spiritual leaders can guide and provide valuable input to you.

                        C.        He may already have plans underway for such a ministry. 

                        D.        All of the above.


12.       Possible prison ministries include...

                        A.        Conducting regular church services.

                        B.         Substituting for the chaplain when he is ill or on vacation.

                        C.        Providing special musical or dramatic programs.

                        D.        All of the above.



13.       A ministry program proposal will . . .

                        A.        Define purpose, objectives, and practical aspects of your program.

                        B.         Be submitted for approval to the institution where you plan to minister.

                        C.        Be used as a tool for volunteer recruitment.

                        D.        All of these.


14.       Your proposal should include:

                        A.        The goals of the program.

                        B.         The benefits of the program.

                        C.        Both of these.

                        D.        Neither of these.


15.       A volunteer is important:

                        A.        To the inmate.

                        B.         To the chaplain.

                        C.        To families of inmates.

                        D.        All of these.


16.       Which of the following is a good way to obtain volunteers for prison ministry?

                        A.        A notice in church bulletins.

                        B.         Announcement in church services.

                        C.        A “Prison Ministry Day."

                        D.        All of these.


17.       Training for prison ministry should include:

                        A.        Orientation and training.

                        B.         Review of your prison ministry proposal.

                        C.        Discussion of where a person would fit best in the program.

                        D.        All of these.


18.       Many inmates do not have visitors because:

                        A.        Their family may live a great distance from where they are incarcerated or

do not have the necessary transportation/finances to visit.

                        B.         Their family may have rejected them or they may have no family.

                        C.        Former friends  may have rejected them.

                        D.        All of these.


19.       Visiting one-on-one with an inmate is important because:

                        A.        Many inmates will not attend religious services.

                        B.         Many inmates have never experienced true, Godly, unconditional


                        C.        Both of the above.

                        D.        Neither of the above.



20.       Which of the following should never be done in a message:

                        A.        Scolding inmates.

                        B.         Making statements that can be misinterpreted by prison staff as a breach of


                        C.        Downgrading other religions.

                        D.        All of these.


21.       Which of the following is a good way to help an inmate’s family?

                        A.        Transportation and hospitality.

                        B.         Prayer and counseling.

                        C.        Information about social services.

                        D.        All of these.


22.       Before contacting an inmate’s family you should:

                        A.        Check with the chaplain or administration at the jail or prison where you

are ministering to see if there is a procedure you should follow.

                        B.         Obtain written permission from the inmate so the family and institution

knows you have his/her approval. 

                        C.        Both of these.

                        D.        Neither of these.


23.       Which of the following verses would be good to use to prepare a death row inmate for impending death?

                        A.        1 Corinthians 15:51-55.

                        B.         2 Corinthians 5:1-4.

                        C.        Psalm 116:15.

                        D.        All of these.


24.       A “setup” as discussed in this manual refers to:

                        A.        A situation where you are forced into compromising your own beliefs,

standards, or institutional rules. 

                        B.         How the meeting room is arranged.

                        C.        Plots usually targeted only at the chaplain.

                        D.        Plots usually targeted only at correction officers.


25.       You can avoid a setup by:

                        A.        Maintaining a professional attitude.

                        B.         Avoiding familiarity.

                        C.        Refusing to violate rules under any circumstance.

                        D.        All of these.






26.       If a crime is committed in your presence while you are in prison you should:

                        A.        Call for help immediately.

                        B.         Secure the crime scene.

                        C.        Remain in control and calm others around you.

                        D.        All of the above.


27.       If you are taken hostage in a prison, you should:

                        A.        Not cooperate with the hostage takers.

                        B.         Let them know that you will testify against them after the siege is over.

                        C.        Neither of the above.

                        D.        Both of the above.


28.       Inmates at the greatest risk due to the nature of their crime or their behavior in prison are housed in:

                        A.        Maximum security prisons.

                        B.         Medium security prisons.

                        C.        Minimum security prisons.

                        D.        None of these.


29.       Inmates who are close to their release date, incarcerated for non-violent crimes, or those who have proven themselves to be extremely reliable and trustworthy or usually housed in:

                        A.        Maximum security prisons.

                        B.         Medium security prisons.

                        C.        Minimum security prisons.

                        D.        None of these.


30.       A major difference between jails and prison is that:

                        A.        Prison inmates have been tried and convicted. 

                        B.         Prison population is relatively stable. 

                        C.        People serve longer terms in prison.

                        D.        All of these.


31.       Young offenders are usually housed at:

                        A.        Death row.

                        B.         Maximum security.

                        C.        Juvenile facilities.

                        D.        None of these.


32.       The most common offenses are:

                        A.        Robbery, burglary, murder, and narcotics.

                        B.         Hit and run and white color crime.

                        C.        Drunk driving and child molestation.

                        D.        Murder for hire and mutation.


33.       The main need of an inmate returning to society is:

                        A.        Acceptance by a local church that is nurturing and supportive.

                        B.         Housing, food, and clothing.

                        C.        A job.

                        D.        All of these.


34.       A “heckler” is:

                        A.        Someone who responds to every altar call.

                        B.         Someone who tries to disrupt the service.

                        C.        Neither of these.

                        D.        Both of these.


35.       Someone who responds to every altar call is a...

                        A.        Heckler.

                        B.         Perennial seeker.

                        C.        Manipulator.

                        D.        Institutionalized inmate.


36.       An institutionalized inmate is one who:

                        A.        Responds to every altar call.

                        B.         Tries to disrupt the service.

                        C.        Has been confined for a lengthy period of time and has difficulty

functioning apart from an institutional setting.

                        D.        Will do well when he is released back to society.


TRUE OR FALSE: Mark your answer as either true or false on the answer sheet.


37.       Statistics say, “80% of inmates return to prison after release” so we are wasting our time to try to rehabilitate them.

38.       The prison system is the only "business" that succeeds by its failure.

39.       It is not important to screen volunteers for prison ministry...just accept whoever has a desire to help.

40.       It is not really wise to allow inmates to share or help you minister in a prison service.

41.       The Bible is not really relevant to inmates.

42.       A benefit it of the Word of God is that it can offer positive strategies for coping with difficult situations and negative emotions

43.       The scriptural mandate for prison ministry is not really clear.

44.       Every believer should be involved in prison ministry in some way.

45.       One of the main targets of Christ’s ministry was prisoners.

46.       During the time between His death and resurrection, Jesus preached to the spirits in


47.       God is not willing that any should perish--not even serial killers, rapists, and molesters.

48.       Chaplains cannot minister to more than a small percen­tage of inmates in their care.

49.       All jails and prisons have professional chaplains.

50.       False religions and cults are not allowed in prisons.

51.       Ministry to inmates’ families is not a goal of prison ministry.

52.       Entering a jail or prison to minister is outside the “comfort zone” for most believers.

53.       It is important for a volunteer to have some understanding of the work of jail and

            prison chaplains.

54.       A chaplain functions as the administrator of a religious program for the entire institution.

55.       It is a grave breach of trust to use your access to the prison to undermine the chaplain's

            reputation or to discredit his programs. 

56.       Prisoners are not very perceptive regarding your motives for prison ministry.

57.       In prison ministry, always remember you are there to rule rather than serve.

58.       Volunteers who start and then quit demoralize the inmate, disappoint the chaplain and the prison staff, and give a bad image to the efforts of the church.

59.       A visit with an inmate is not really very important to them, so if you don’t show up they

            won’t usually care.

60.       Empathy is the ability to feel with people as though you were in their place.

61.       Effective prison ministry is fueled by prayer. 

62.       It is not really important that you know God’s Word to conduct prison ministry because most inmates know nothing about the Bible.

63.       The rules for dress and conduct are the same in every prison.

64.       The chain of command is the same in every prison.

65.       Conducting an analysis of local jails and prisons and their needs is important before launching your prison ministry.

66.       Your dress and appearance is not really very important when you go into a prison.

67.       If you want to start a ministry of writing to inmates you should contact the proper authorities at the institution and obtain a list of the rules for corresponding with inmates.

68.       The rules for writing to inmates are the same at every institution.

69.       Inmates are often resentful because they have been rejected by society.

70.       If possible, it is best not to use your home address when answering letters.

71.       Kindness from you can be misinterpreted by inmates as a romantic advance.

72.       Never make a loan to inmates.  If you send money, make it an outright gift.

73.       Do not promise help with employment, housing, etc., after release from prison unless the ministry with which you are involved is adequately prepared to give it.

74.       Visiting an inmate on a one-on-one basis is not really very important.

75.       It is best to visit one-on-one with a person of your same sex.

76.       Normally, it is best not to give money to an inmate or their family.

77.       Unless you have had training or you are gifted by God in the area of personal counseling, you should not assume this role when visiting inmates.

78.       Correctional institutions are usually rather lax and don’t run on a strict schedule. 

79.       Men should never visit an inmate’s wife alone, nor should a woman visit an inmate’s husband alone.

80.       If an inmate maintains their innocence, you should challenge him/her to get them to face up to what they have done.

81.       You should never discuss death with a death row inmate, especially when they have an execution date set.

82.       If a death row inmates asks ask you to be present at their death to provide spiritual support, you should decline.

83.       Parole means an inmate is free to go home with no restrictions.

84.       Most inmates do not have any guilt over what they have done or put their families through.

85.       The safety rules and behavior codes are the same in all prisons and jails.

86.       Generally speaking, you should wear clothes that are appropriate in the business world when you go into prisons.

87.       Never carry identification on you when going into a prison.

88.       You should always inquire as to why an inmate is in prison.

89.       You should never become involved in transacting personal business for inmates.

90.       Any information you have regarding an inmate should be kept confidential.

91.       It is best to make decisions for the inmate rather than help them make their own decisions.

92.       The value of prison ministry should be measured by your failures rather than your success.

93.       There are not many rewards to jail and prison ministry.


Personal True Or False?  Mark the following personal responses either true or false:


94.       I read all the chapters in the manual.

95.       I completed all of the self-tests in the manual.