Knowing God's Voice





Matching:  Match the description with the proper phrase and mark it on your answer sheet:


            A. The voice of man                                       B.  The voice of Satan

C. The voice of self                                                    D.  The voice of God


1.  Man talking to himself.


2.  The audible voice of another human being.


3.  The voice of our spiritual enemy.


4.  Believers will know this voice.


Multiple Choice:  Select the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet: 


5.  The two types of listeners of which the Bible speaks are:


            A.  Old and young                                            B.  Wise and foolish

            C.  Black and white                                          D.  Rich and poor


6.  The "rhema" Word of God is:


            A.  The written Word of God in general            B.  A specific word of God   

            C.  Both of these                                              D.  Neither of these 


7.  The "logos" Word of God is:


            A.  The written Word of God in general            B.  A specific word of God   

            C.  Both of these                                              D.  Neither of these 


8.  Man was separated from God's presence by:


            A.  Demons                                                      B.  Sin

            C.  Distance                                                     D.  None of these




9.  Regarding the Word of God you should be:


            A.  Both a hearer and doer                               B.  A hearer only

            C.  A doer only                                                D.  Neither a hearer or doer


10.  The word "prerequisite" means:


            A.  A class in school                                         B.  Something you must do before

                                                                                    you can do something else


            C.  Both of these                                              D.  Neither of these


11.  The prerequisites presented in this course as important in order to know God's will include:


A.  Born-again experience                                            B.  Indwelling Holy Spirit

C.  Spiritual maturity and transformation            D.  All of these


12.  The Holy Spirit helps us know God's voice by:


            A.  Guiding us into God's will                B.  Forgiving us

            C.  Both of these                                              D.  Neither of these 


13.  To be "born again" means:


            A.  Acknowledging you are a sinner      B.  Confessing your sins

C.  Believing in Jesus Christ                  D.  All of these


14.  To be "spiritually mature" means:


            A.  You are at least age 50                               B.  You are a professing Christian

            C.  You "grow up" spiritually speaking   D.  All of these


15.  As discussed in this course, the word "transformed" means:


A.  An electrical part                                         B.  To meditate


            C.  New styles externally                                  D.  To be changed into a new

                                                                                    image spiritually




16.  Knowledge of God's will is important because it will:


            A.  Determine your eternal destiny                     B.  Provide direction

C.  Help avoid chastisement                                          D.  All of these


17.  The right motivation for doing the will of God is:


            A.  Wanting blessings                            B.  Love

            C.  Avoiding chastisement                                 D.  Hating sin


18.  The following methods of knowing the future are not Scriptural:


            A.  Witches, shamen, sorcerers             B. Magicians and fortune tellers

            C.  Voodoo, astrology, drugs                D. All of these are not Scriptural


19.  The word "emulations" means:


            A.  Emotions                                                    B.  Praising God


            C.  Doing your own thing                                  D.  Copying others to equal or

                                                                                    excel them


20.  The two divisions of God's will are that which is:


            A.  Revealed in God's Word                 B.  Good and bad

            and not revealed in God's Word


            C.  Both of these                                              D.  Neither of these


21.  God speaks to man through:


            A.  The written Word of God and prayer          B.  Open and closed doors

            C.  Counselors and circumstances                     D.  All of these


22.  The assurance that God always gives when we are functioning in His will is:


            A.  A voice from  heaven                                  B.  Peace in your spirit

            C.  A vision                                                      D.  A confirming dream






23.  Questionable practices are:


            A.  Practices not specifically                  B.  Nothing to worry about  

            mentioned in Scripture as right

            or wrong


            C.  Things that really glorify God                       D.   None of these


24.  Guidelines for judging a questionable practice include:


            A.  Does it glorify God?                                    B.  Is it necessary?

            C.  It is a compromise?                         D.  All of these


25.  A "weaker brother" is:


            A.  Someone who is sickly                                B. Someone who needs to work out

                                                                                    at the gym


            C.  A believer who can be adversely     D.  Not mentioned in Scripture

            affected by the actions of a stronger



26.  A "stronger brother" is:


            A.  Someone who is physically strong    B. Someone who works out at the gym


            C.  A believer who can exercise                        D.  Not mentioned in Scripture

            spiritual liberty with a good



27.  In regards to questionable practices you should:


            A. Cultivate your own convictions                     B.  Limit liberty by love


            C.  Distinguish between matters of                     D.  All of these

            command and freedom


28.  If you have offended another believer:


            A.  Forget about is his problem      B.  Go to him and try to resolve it

            C.  Both of these                                              D.  Neither of these



29.  Great Biblical examples who triumphed over their failures are:


            A.  Judas, Uziah, Saul                           B.  David, Jonah, Peter

            C.  Neither of these                                          D.  All of these


30.  Biblical examples of men whose lives ended in failure are:


            A.  Judas, Uziah, Saul                           B.  David, Jonah, Peter

            C.  Neither of these                                          D.  All of these


31.  When you have failed you should:


            A.  Admit failure                                               B.  Pray for forgiveness

            C.  Correct the error                                         D.  All of these


32.  Suffering may enter the life of a believer through:


            A.  His own sin                                     B. Circumstances

            C.  Others around him                          D.  All of these


33.  When a believer suffers innocently he should:


            A.  Be ashamed                                                B.  Rejoice

            C.  Express his anger                            D.  Take revenge


Matching:  Match the description with the proper phrase and mark it on your answer sheet:


A.  God's sovereign will.        B.  God's individual will         C.  God's moral will


34.  The commands revealed in the written word of God which teach how we should believe and live.


35.  God's predetermined plan for the universe, His master plan.


36.  God's specific plan for a person.








Matching:  Match the description with the proper phrase and mark it on your answer sheet:


            A.  Seed by the wayside                                                         B.  Seed in stony places

C.  Seed among the thorns                                                    D.  Seed on good ground


37.  An example of a listener who hears God's Word and receives it with joy, but it does not really take root in his life.


38.  An example of the voice of God being choked out by the cares of the world.


39.  An example of a man who hears the voice of God but the words do not take root in his heart because of hardness.


40.  The listener who receives God's Word, listens to His voice, and roots himself in that revelation.


Matching:  Match the description with the proper phrase and mark it on your answer sheet:


A.  The perfect will of God                                        B.  The good will of God

            C.  The acceptable will of God                                  D.  Out of God's will


41.  A believer is in harmony with the moral, sovereign, and individual will of God for his life.


42.  The believer is functioning in direct disobedience to God's revealed will.


43.  This believer is in an acceptable area, but missing the perfect will of God for His life.


44.  A believer is not in disobedience to God's revealed will, but He is not in the perfect individual plan for his life. He is within God's sovereign will and moral will.


True Or False?  Mark you answer under either T or F on the answer sheet:


45.  God chastises you because He loves you and desires to bring you back into conformity to His will.


46.  If Elijah had been in God's will by going to  Brook Cherith, the brook never would have run dry.


47.  God sometimes uses trouble to get your attention because He wants to lead you in a new direction.

48.  The Bible teaches only sinners will experience suffering.


49.  There are no positive benefits from suffering according to the will of God because it is not God's will that you suffer.


50.  You should never admit failure because others will loose confidence in you.


51.  Jesus was not concerned about God's will.  He was  more concerned about ministering to people.


52.  The Bible indicates that man lacks the capacity to guide his own way correctly.


53.  The individual will of God may sometimes disagree with the moral will of God.


54.  Only God has knowledge of the future.


55.  We should avoid practices which give the appearance of evil.


56.  We do not really have to consider others when we are deciding on questionable practices.


57.  When believers differ on questionable practices it is sin.


58.  God no longer speaks to man through dreams, angels, and miracles.


59.  God still speaks in visions.


60.  God never speaks through the inner voice of the Holy Spirit.  He always speaks in an audible voice.


61.  You should never seek counsel from other believers.


62.  Always depend on your own human reasoning when you are seeking God's will.


63.  The Holy Spirit is the umpire of peace in our spirits.


64.  God always speaks in the same way to us.


65.  God really does not want you to know His will for the future.


66.  God's will is planned, individual, and personal.


67.  God's will is always the way man would choose.


68.  You can experience great spiritual blessings by walking in your own self-will. 


69.  An excellent method of using the Bible to determine God's will is to open it at random and take the first verse that stands out to you as your answer.


70.  God usually reveals His entire plan for your life, with all the details, in one miraculous revelation.


71.  You can never really come to know God's voice.


72.  The Bible teaches it is acceptable to seek guidance through occult practices.


73.  If you encounter a "closed door" it means you must have missed God's will.


74.  We really should never judge prophecies that are given by prophets.


75.  There is really no way to recognize a false prophet.


76.  Jesus did not pray for God's will because He already knew it.


77.  Joseph felt he was a victim of circumstances and resented it.


78.  Circumstances are the best indication of the will of God.


79.  Jonah manipulated circumstances to fulfill his own will instead of God's will.


80.  God's other methods of communication will always agree with His written Word.


81.  If you cannot get guidance for yourself from God, it is safe to depend on other people to guide your life.


82.  You should always accept what a prophet says to you as truth and God's will for your life.


83.  Human tradition conceals divine revelation.


84.  If God has revealed His will regarding a certain matter in His Word you should still seek Him for confirmation.


85.  "Casting of lots" and such methods of chance are a good way to determine God's will for your life.  


86.  The Bible teaches "putting out a fleece" is one sure way to determine God's will.


87.  Knowing God's voice is not related in any way to determining His will for your life.


88.  God spoke to men in times past, but He does not speak to men today.


89.  The "rhema" Word of God does not always agree with the written Word of God.


90.  One of the best ways to distinguish false from true prophets is to observe their conduct or "fruits".


91.  It is not necessary to be born again in order to come to know the voice of God.


92.  True prophecy will always agree with the written Word of God.


93.  Personal prophecy should be for confirmation only, not direction or guidance.


94.  According to Romans 12:1-2 surrender precedes the knowledge of God's will.


95.  It is never God's will for you to suffer.


96.  If you experience trouble it means you are out of the will of God.


97.  Paul was out of the will of God in the storm at sea which he experienced. 


98.  When you suffer out of the will of God you are often the cause of your own problems because of disobedience.


Personal True Or False: Mark the following personal responses either true or false:


99.  I completed reading the text for this course..


100.  I completed the self-tests at the end of each chapter.