Module:    1

Course:    Old Testament Survey



Multiple Choice:  Select the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet:


1.  The word "Bible" means:

            A.  Writing                                                                   B.  All the books

            C.  Holy                                                                       D.  Literature


2.  The word "Scripture" means:

            A.  Writing                                                                   B.  All the books

            C.  Holy                                                                       D.  Literature


3.  The two major divisions of the Bible are:

            A.  Prophecy and poetry                                               B.  Gospels and epistles

            C.  Old and new testaments                                          D.  Law and history  


4.  The number of books in the Bible:

            A.  39                                                                          B.  27

            C.  64                                                                          D.  66


5.  The number of books in the Old Testament:

            A.  39                                                                          B.  27

            C.  64                                                                          D.  66


6.  The number of books in the New Testament:

            A.  39                                                                          B.  27

            C.  64                                                                          D.  66


7.  The Old Testament books are divided into the following categories:

            A.  Law, history, poetry, prophecy                    B.  Gospels, history, epistles, prophecy

            C.  Neither of these.                                        D.  Both of these


8.  The New Testament books are divided into the following categories:

            A.  Law, history, poetry, prophecy                    B.  Gospels, history, epistles, prophecy

            C.  Neither of these.                                        D.  Both of these


9.  The word "testament" means:

            A.  The books                                                  B.  Covenant

            C.  Writing                                                       D.  A plan


10.  The purpose of the Bible includes:

            A.  Doctrine                                                      B.  Correction

            C.  Instruction                                                   D.  All of these


11.  The "unity of the Bible" means:

            A.  It is united in content                                   B.  It is united in theme

            C.  Both of these                                              D.  Neither of these 


12.  The "diversity of the Bible" means:

            A.  It has variety                                               B.  It conflicts itself

            C.  It is united in content                                   D.  Different men wrote it


13.  The revelation of both Old and New Testaments is centered on:

            A.  Satan                                                         B.  Man

            C.  Sin                                                             D.  Jesus Christ


14.  The Bible is:

            A.  Not divinely inspired                                    B.  Similar to the Koran

            C.  The written Word of God                              D.  Just one of many divine manuscripts


15.  A translation of the Bible:

            A.  Translates word for word                               B.  Translates letter by letter

            C.  Translates thought by thought                       D.  None of these


16.  A paraphrase of the Bible:

            A.  Translates word for word                               B.  Translates letter by letter

            C.  Translates thought by thought                       D.  All of these


17.  The word "version" means:

            A.  The same as translation                              B.  Written in the same language as the original manuscript of the Bible 

            C.  The same as paraphrase                             D.  Written in a language other than what the Bible was originally written


18.  The languages in which the Bible was originally written include:

            A.  Hebrew                                                      B.  Greek

            C.  Aramaic                                                     D.  All of these


19.  Geography tells ___________ an event happened:

            A.  When                                                        B.  Where

            C.  Why                                                          D.  How


20.  History of chronology tells ___________ an event happened:

            A.  When                                                        B.  Where

            C.  Why                                                          D.  How


21.  Biblical archaeology is:

            A. The study of the future                                 B.  The study of the past

            C.  The same as geography                              D.  None of these


22.  The main points on an outline are normally indicated by:

            A.  Abbreviations                                             B.  Letters and numbers

C.  Roman numerals                                        D.  None of these


23.  Sub points on an outline are indicated by:

             A.  Abbreviations                                            B.  Letters and numbers

C.  Roman numerals                                        D.  None of these


24.  Which is the oldest date?

            A.  500 B.C.                                                    B.  l000 B.C.

            C.  2000 A.D.                                                  D.  100 A.D.


25.  The author of the first five books in the Bible was:

            A.  Joshua                                                      B.  Abraham

            C.  Moses                                                       D.  Adam


26.  Old Testament events occurred mostly in:

            A.  China, Japan, Korea                                   B.  Egypt, Canaan, Assyria                  

            C.  Spain Greece Italy                                      D.  India, Malaysia, Egypt


27.  The first five books of the Bible are called the books of:

            A.  Law                                                            B.  History                   

            C.  Poetry                                                        D.  Prophecy


28.  Joshua, Judges, Ruth,  I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles, Ezra,  Nehemiah  and Esther are all books of:

            A.  Law                                                            B.  History

            C.  Poetry                                                        D.  Prophecy


29.  Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon are all books of:

            A.  Law                                                            B.  History

            C.  Poetry                                                        D.  Prophecy


30.  Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel are all books of:

            A.  Major prophets                                             B.  Minor prophets

            C.  Law                                                             D.  History


 31.  Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, and Malachi are all books of:

            A.  Major prophets                                             B.  Minor prophets

            C.  Law                                                             D.  History



Matching:  Match each event in List One to the correct geographical location in List Two:


            List One                                                                                              List Two


32.  Name of the River Israel crossed to enter the Promised Land.           A.  Ai

33.  The walls of this city fell down.                                                       B.  Jerusalem

34.  Israel was defeated in battle here.                                                  C.  Jericho

35.  Nehemiah rebuilt these walls.                                                        D.  Jordan



Matching:  Match each event in List One with the proper kingdom in List Two.  You may use the answers more than one time:


            List One                                                                                  List Two


36.  The northern kingdom.                                                       A.  Israel

37.  The southern kingdom.                                                      B.  Assyria 

38.  Israel was taken into captivity by this nation.                       C.  Judah

39.  Judah was taken into captivity by this nation.                      D.  Babylonia

40.  We had 19 kings, all evil.

41.  We had 20 kings; many evil, a few good.



Matching:  Match each event to the Bible book in which it is recorded. You may use the books more than one time:


            A.  Genesis     B.  Exodus      C.  Numbers     D.  Deuteronomy


42.  Records the departure from Egypt and journey of Israel in the wilderness.

43.  The book of beginnings.

44.  The law restated by Moses before his death.

45.  Final instructions before entering the Promised Land.

46.  Contains the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

47.  Contains the first promise of the Redeemer who was to come to take away sins.

48.  Records the fall of man.

49.  Records the giving of the l0 commandments.

50.  Tells the story of the great flood on the earth.

51.  Contains the story of Israel coming to the border of the promised land, but NOT going in.

52.  Contains the story of creation.

53.  Israel leaves Egypt.

54.  Tells about the first Passover.

55.  Contains the story of the tower of Babel.

56.  Tells about Mosses' birth and early life in Egypt.

57.  Tells about the l0 plagues that came on Egypt.

58.  This book tells the story of Cain and Abel.



Matching:  Match each event to the Bible book in which it is recorded:

            A.  Joshua                                          B.  Judges

            C.  Ruth                                              D.  I and II Samuel


59.  Details how the successor of Moses led Israel into the promised Land of Canaan.

60.  This book records the repeated sins of Israel and the men and women God raised up to deliver them from enemy forces.

61.  The story of the woman who became the great grandmother of David.

62.  These books tell the stories of Samuel, Saul, and David.


Matching:  Match each event to the Bible book in which it is recorded:

            A.  Kings and Chronicles                   B.  Ezra

            C.  Nehemiah                                    D.  Job


63.  People are busy rebuilding the temple in this book.

64.  People are busy rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in this book.

65.  Records of the kings and kingdoms.



Matching:  Match each event to the Bible book in which it is recorded:

            A.  Esther                                           B.  Job

            C.  Psalms                                         D.  Proverbs


66.  The Jews were saved by the person for whom this book was named.

67.  The hymn book of the Bible.

68.  A collection of wise sayings.

69.  The story of a righteous man who suffered.



Matching:  Match each event to the Bible book in which it is recorded:

            A.  Ecclesiastes                                  B.  Song Of Solomon 

            C.  Daniel                                           D.  Lamentations 


70.  Life without meaning is vanity.

71.  Prophecy concerning the end times.

72.  The bride and bridegroom.

73.  Lament over the destruction of Jerusalem.



Matching:  Match each event to the Bible book in which it is recorded:

            A.  Hosea                                            B.  Obadiah 

            C.  Jonah                                            D.  Zechariah 


74.  A prophet who preached to Nineveh.

75.  Israel is an unfaithful wife.

76.  Challenge to complete building the temple.

77.  Judgment against Edom.



Matching:  Match the person with the correct statement:


78.  I married Boaz.                                                     A.  Rebecca 

79.  I was mother-in-law to Ruth and Orphra.                  B.  Boaz

80.  I was Isaac's bride.                                                C.  Ruth 

81.  I married Ruth.                                                      D.  Naomi



Matching:  Match the person with the correct statement:


82.  I led Israel into the promised land.                                                A.  Gibeonites

83.  I sinned by taking gold and a Babylonian garment.                         B.  Achan

84.  I was very old, but still claimed a mountain for my inheritance.        C.  Joshua

85.  We deceived Joshua so he would not destroy us.                           D.  Caleb



Matching:  Match the person with the correct statement:


86.  God saved me because I hid the spies.                     A.  Saul

87.  I anointed both King Saul and King David.                 B.  Rahab

88.  I was the first King of Israel.                                     C.  Samuel

89.  I committed a great sin with Bathsheba.                    D.  David



Matching:  Match the person with the correct statement:


90.  I was a very close friend of David's.                                  A.  Jonathan

91.  I lost my strength through compromise with sin.               B.  Isaac

92.  I am a woman who led an army of Israel to victory.            C.  Deborah

93.  I was the miracle son of Abraham.                                   D.  Samson



Matching:  Match the person with the correct statement.  You may use an answer more than one time.


94.  I put out a fleece to test God's will                          A.  Gideon

95.  I was the first high priest of Israel.                          B.  Aaron

96.  I committed the first murder.                                  C.  Balaam

97.  My donkey spoke to me.                                       D.  Cain

98.  I led Israel in worship of the golden calf.



Personal True Or False:  Mark the following personal responses either true or false:


99.  I completed reading the text for this course..

100. I completed the self-tests at the end of each chapter.