Teaching Tactics




Multiple Choice:  Select the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet.


1.  A New Testament  reference that commissions believers to teach is: 


            A.  II Timothy 2:4                                                                     B.  John 20:21

            C.  I Corinthians 15:1-4                                                            D.  John 3:16


2.  The word "teach" means:


            A.  The art of instructing another                                               B.  One who teaches

            C.  To instruct, show demonstrate                                             D.  All of these


3.  The word "teacher"  means:


            A.  The art of instructing another                                               B.  One who teaches

            C.  To instruct, show demonstrate                                             D.  All of these


4.  The word "teaching" means:


            A.  The art of instructing another                                               B.  One who teaches

            C.  To instruct, show demonstrate                                             D.  All of these


5.  We need teachers:


            A.  To explain the Word of God                                               B.  To teach unsaved


            C.  To teach believers                                                   D.  All of these


6.  As believers, we are to teach:


            A.  All nations                                                               B.  Faithful men and


            C.  Unbelievers                                                             D.  All of these







7.  The difference between the leadership position of teacher and the gift of teaching is:


            A.  One is a leadership gift and                                      B.  One is the instructor

            one is speaking only                                                      and one is the student


            C.  Both of these                                                                      D.  There is no difference


8.   The main objective of Biblical teaching is:


            A.  Evangelism                                                              B.  Discipleship

            C.  Both of these                                                                      D.  Neither of these


9.   The master teacher, the example for all to follow, was:


            A.  Paul                                                                                    B.  Jesus Christ

            C.  Peter                                                                                  D.  Stephen


10.  Jesus taught in:


            A.  Synagogues                                                                        B.  Villages

            C.  Big cities                                                                             D.  All of these


11.  The Biblical reference which confirms we are sent by Jesus as He was by God is:


            A.  II Timothy 2:4                                                                     B.  John 20:21

            C.  I Corinthians 15:1-4                                                            D.  John 3:16


12.  The basic message taught by Jesus Christ was:


A.  Creativity                                                                            B.  Judgment

            C.  The Kingdom of God                                                          D.  Power


13.  The Biblical reference which summarizes the basic elements of the Gospel message is:


            A.  II Timothy 2:4                                                                     B.  John 20:21

            C.  I Corinthians 15:1-4                                                            D.  Genesis 1:1






14.  The teaching and preaching of the Gospel is to be accompanied by the demonstration of God's_____.


A.  Creativity                                                                            B.  Judgment

            C.  Wrath                                                                                 D.  Power


15.  The basic book which teaches about the Kingdom of God is:


            A.  The Bible                                                                            B.  A concordance

            C.  A commentary                                                                    D.  A Bible dictionary


16.  Jesus taught with:


            A.  Love and compassion                                                         B.  Authority

            C.  Visual demonstration                                                           D.  All of these


17.  A parable is:


            A.  A natural story which illustrates                                B.  Something that helps

             A spiritual truth                                                                        you teach a lesson


            C.  A true story                                                                        D.  A teaching aid that

                                                                                                            can be seen, heard or



18.  A teaching aid is:


            A.  A natural story which illustrates                                B.  Something that helps

            a spiritual truth                                                              you teach a lesson


            C.  A true story                                                                        D.  A teaching aid that

                                                                                                            can be seen, heard or


19.  A case history is:


            A.  A natural story which illustrates                                B.  Something that helps

            a spiritual truth                                                              you teach a lesson


            C.  A true story                                                                        D.  An autobiography





20.  Audio-visual aids are:


            A.  A natural story which illustrates                                B.  Something that helps

            a spiritual truth                                                              you teach a lesson


            C.  True stories                                                             D.  A teaching aid that

can be seen, heard, or touched


21.  Audio-visual aids are important because:


            A.  We retain 90% of what we hear, see,                                  B.  We retain 30% of what

            Hear, see, say, and do                                                  we hear, see, say, and do


            C.  We retain 50% of what we hear, see,                                  D.  We retain 20% of what 

say, and do                                                                               we hear, see, say, and do


22.  "Audience analysis" means:


            A.  The way an audience judges you                             B.  Your audience is


C.  The study of a group you plan to teach                                D.  All of these


23.  Audience analysis is important because:


            A.  Learning is affected by many factors.                                   B.  It helps you understand

                                                                                                            the needs of your audience


            C.  It helps you teach at the proper                               D.  All of these

            educational level


24.  To analyze an audience you should:


            A.  Pray                                                                                   B.  Observe your students

            C.  Associate with your students                                               D.  All of these


25.  The word "objective" as used in this course means:


            A.  A goal                                                                                B.  An aim

            C.  A desired outcome                                                  D.  All of these






26.  Objectives are important in teaching because:


            A.  They improve teaching                                                        B.  They measure


C.  They help students become doers of the Word        D.  All of these


27.  Which one of these objectives is stated correctly?  On the conclusion of this lesson the student will:


            A.  Know John 3:16                                                                 B.  Recite John 3:16

            C.  Understand John 3:16                                                         D.  None are correct.


28.  The final goal in Biblical teaching is:


            A.  Presenting every man perfect in Christ                     B.  Building a large church

            C.  Building a Bible school                                                        D. Building a large



29.  A factor common in every teaching situation is:


            A.  The teacher                                                             B.  A student

            C.  The lesson to be taught                                                        D.  All of these


30.  A lesson plan should always include:


            A.  An introduction                                                                   B.  An application

            C.  Objectives                                                              D.  All of these


31.  "Evaluation" means:


            A.  To carefully examine something                               B.  To plan something new

            C.  To write an annual report                                        D.  To improve your self-



32.  It is important to evaluate your teaching because:


            A.  It helps you improve the gift                                     B.  It helps your self-image

            God has given you


            C.  Your denomination expects you to do it                   D.  It impresses the church                                                                                                        board

33.  You can evaluate Biblical teaching by:


            A.  Testing                                                                                B.  Student response

            C.  Objectives                                                              D.  All of these


34.  A reason for problems in the teaching/learning situation is:


            A.  Problems with the teacher                                       B.  Problems with students

            C.  Both of these                                                                      D.  Neither of these


35.  "Biblical curriculum" means:


            A.  A Bible seminary                                                     B.  A concordance

            C.  An organized course of Bible study                          D.  A Bible dictionary


36.  Organized Biblical curriculum is valuable because it provides:


            A.  Research and background materials                         B.  Teaching outlines

            C.  Written lessons and activities for students                 D.  All of these


37.  The term "illiterate" means:


            A.  One who is skilled in reading                                               B.  A blind person


            C.  One who does not read or write his                         D.  A local native

            own language


38.  "Preaching" is:


            A.  The same as teaching                                                          B.  The act of delivering

                                                                                                            a sermon


            C.  Talking                                                                               D.  Dictating to others


39.  Biblical preaching should focus on:


            A.  The Gospel                                                             B.  Current events

            C.  Church history                                                                    D.  Personal experiences






40.  "Topical preaching" focuses on:


            A.  Specific topics                                                                    B.  Specific passages

C.  Detailed verse by verse analysis                                           D.  All of these


41.  "Textual preaching" focuses on:


            A.  Specific topics                                                        B.  Specific passages

C.  Detailed verse by verse analysis                               D.  All of these


42.  "Expository preaching"  focuses on:


            A.  Specific topics                                                                    B.  Specific passages

C.  Detailed verse by verse analysis                                           D.  All of these


43.  You should train teachers:


A.  According to call                                                                 B.  According to abilities

            C.  According to age interests                                       D.  All of these


44.  You can recruit people for teacher training by:


            A.  Training classes                                                                   B.  Personal contact

            C.  Announcements and advertisements                         D.  All of these


45.  You should evaluate a teacher by:


            A.  Observing their teaching                                          B. Observing their

Spiritual fruit


            C.  Objectives accomplished                                         D.  All of these


Match the following teaching methods with the correct definition:


46.  Known to unknown                       A.  Teaching broad truths, then details

47.  General to specific             B.  Using the old to introduce the new

48.  Object lessons                               C.  Using symbols, objects to teach truths








Analyze the following objectives.  If it is specific, mark the letter A on your answer sheet.  If it is general, mark the letter B.


            A.  Specific                                                     B.  General


49.  Mature spiritually

50.  Recite the books of the Bible

51.  Use a Bible dictionary

52.  Study the Bible

53.  Outline the book of Revelation. 


True Or False?  Mark your answer under either T or F on the answer sheet.


54.  All believers do not have the gift or leadership position of teaching, but all believers are to teach.


55.  Jesus was not really a teacher.  He was only a preacher.  


56.  Believers are to teach and preach the same message Jesus did.


57.  You can never use problems in a positive way.


58.  You should never try to develop your own Bible curriculum.


59.  There is really no difference between teaching and preaching.


60.  Demonstrations of spiritual power should never accompany teaching and

preaching. They are distracting.


61.  Teaching is the transmission of both a life and a lifestyle.


62.  Teaching should always be based on the doctrine of man.


63.  If an angel teaches something different from the Word of God, we should

immediately believe him.


64.  Jesus never taught doctrine.


65.  The teaching of Jesus emphasizes reproduction...teaching others what you learn.


66.  Jesus never used the natural environment in which he found people.  He only taught tin formal lecture halls like the synagogue.


67.  Because of limited time, we should always teach crowds and not individuals.


68.  When you are training disciples it is not good to let them practice what you are teaching them.


Personal True Or False:  Mark the following personal responses either true or false:


69.  I completed reading the text for this course.


70.  I completed the self-tests at the end of each chapter.