Women: A Biblical Profile
Multiple Choice: Select the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet.
1. The main Biblical reference describing the creation of woman is:
A. Genesis 2 B. Matthew 1
C. Mark 1 D. Exodus 1
2. Man and woman were to:
A. Multiply and be fruitful B. Subdue the earth
C. Have dominion over all living things D. All of these
3. The relationship between women and God is:
A. Physical only, as they B. Not only physical,
are made in His image. but also spiritual
C. Not possible due to sin D. All of these
4. An important relationship that should exist between man and woman is:
A. Love and commitment B. Helpfulness
C. Companionship D. All of these
5. The word "help meet" as it is used of woman in relationship to man in Genesis 2:
A. Means woman is like a servant to man. B. Is not Scriptural
C. Means the same as God being a help D. Is not really significant
meet to His people.
6. Which Bible reference is the first promise of a Savior given in Scripture?
A. John 3:16 B. I John 1:8-9
C. Genesis 3:15 D. Romans 3:23
7. The word "proverbs" means:
A. Foreign, alien, adulterous B. Woman of God
C. A brief saying instead of many words D. None of these
8. The word "strange" as it is used in the book of Proverbs means:
A. Foreign, alien, adulterous B. Woman of God
C. A brief saying instead of many words D. None of these
9. The word "virtuous" as it is used in the book of Proverbs means:
A. Foreign, alien, adulterous B. Woman of God
C. A brief saying instead of many words D. None of these
10. The purpose of the book of Ruth is to:
A. Document the genealogy of Christ B. Show the relationship
between Christ and the Church
C. Demonstrate God's concern for all people D. All of these
11. The events of the book of Ruth occurred during the:
A. Exodus B. Time of the judges
C. Time of Christ's ministry D. Tribulation
12. The events in the book of Ruth happened in:
A. Jerusalem and Samaria B. Syria and Damascus
C. Bethlehem and Moab D. Assyria and Babylonia
13. The book of Ruth was written by:
A. Unknown author B. Ruth
C. Samuel D. Nehemiah
14. The purpose of the book of Esther is:
A. To show God's concern for His people B. Unknown
C. Not revealed D. To share the Gospel
15. The book of Esther was written by:
A. Unknown author B. Ruth
C. Samuel D. Nehemiah
16. The story of Esther occurred in:
A. Shushan palace B. Jordan palace
C. Egyptian palace D. Jerusalem palace
17. Your relationship with Jesus is based on___________________
A. Predestination B. Heredity
C. Doing the will of God D. Chance
18. According to the record in the book of Acts, women were:
A. Prophetesses B. Active Church members
C. Intercessors D. All of these
19. The first women's group recorded in the Bible was led by:
A. Miriam B. Esther
C. Ruth D. Mary
20. It is important to have a statement of purpose because:
A. It provides direction B. It permits evaluation
C. It helps you accomplish goals D. All of these
21. A result of the fall of woman into sin was:
A. Fear and shame B. Separation from God
C. Knowledge of good and evil D. All of these
22. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to:
A. Perfect the saints B. Promote the work of the
C. Edify Christ and the Church D. All of these
23. An objective of spiritual gifts:
A. Develop in the knowledge of Christ B. Be perfected
C. Become stable and mature D. All of these
Matching: Match the names in List One to the descriptions in List Two.
List One List Two
24. Phoebe A. Risked her life to save Paul
25. Junia B. Carried the book of Romans from Paul to the Roman church
26. Lydia C. Had a church in her home
27. Prisca D. Fellow prisoner with Paul
Matching: Match the names in List One with the descriptions in List Two.
List One List Two
28. Women with children A. "This will be told as a memorial for her."
29. Mary the Mother of Jesus B. "Woman, what have I to do with thee?"
30. Adulteress washing feet C. "Suffer the little children to come unto me."
31. Gentile woman who D. "Great is thy faith".
wanted healing for
her daughter
Matching: Match the names in List One with the descriptions in List Two.
List One List Two
32. Martha A. "Mary has chosen the better part."
33. Poor widow B. Jesus commended her for her giving.
34. Woman at the Well C. Jesus told her He was the Messiah
Matching: Read each character trait listed below. If it is a character trait of the strange woman, mark the letter A on your answer sheet. If it describes the virtuous woman, mark the letter B on your answer sheet.
A. The strange woman B. The virtuous woman
35. Insincere
36. Angry and hateful
37. Evil
38. Foolish
39. Subtle in heart
40. Industrious
41. Contentious (argumentative)
42. Skillful
43. Crown to her husband
44. Self-Righteous
45. Jewel in a pig's nose
46. Trustworthy
47. Fears God
48. Without discretion
49. Holy
Matching: Match the names in List One to the descriptions in List Two.
List One List Two
50. Boaz A. An Israelite woman who went to Moab with her family.
51. Naomi B. Near kinsman who redeemed Ruth.
52. Ruth C. Naomi's daughter-in-law who returned to Bethlehem
53. Orpha D. Naomi's daughter-in-law who returned to Moab.
Matching: Match the penalties for sin to the proper individual. You will use the answers more than once.
A. A penalty on man B. A penalty on woman
C. A penalty on the serpent D. A penalty on both man and woman
54. Spiritual death.
55. Knowledge of good and evil.
56. Fear and shame.
57. It shall bruise thy head.
58. Work will be hard and a "weariness".
59. Sorrow in childbirth.
Matching: Match the names in List One to the descriptions in List Two.
List One List Two
60. Vashti A. The new queen, a Hebrew woman.
61. Esther B. The cousin of Esther who raised her.
62. Mordecai C. Enemy of the Jewish people.
63. Haman D. Queen who refused the king's orders and lost her
True Or False? Mark your answer under either T or F on the answer sheet:
64. Eve misquoted God's Word when she answered Satan.
65. Adam blamed the serpent for his sin.
66. Eve blamed Adam for her sin.
67. Eve tried to minimize the penalty God warned would result from sin.
68. The cycle of temptation and sin can be broken at any point through the power of Jesus Christ.
69. Famine was used by God as a way to judge and correct Israel.
70. Naomi means "bitter".
71. Mara means "pleasant".
72. Boaz had the first right to redeem Ruth.
73. The unnamed kinsman did not redeem Ruth because he did not like her.
74. The relationship of Boaz and Ruth is a type of the redemption relationship between Jesus and believers.
75. Women were not allowed to prophesy in the early Church.
76. Women were not responsible for their sin if their mate asked them to them sin.
77. Women of Bible times were not allowed to pray and receive the Holy Spirit.
78. There is no record that women were included in the prayer meetings held by the Church.
79. Women are to keep total silence in the Church.
80. Women are not to teach or preach in the Church.
81. Joel's prophesy indicated women would prophecy or speak under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
82. The word "silence" used by Paul calls for a calm, rather than a disruptive spirit.
83. Paul presents women as the more sinful sex.
84. Adam was deceived and this is why he fell into sin.
85. There is neither male or female in Jesus Christ.
86. Paul believed it was wrong to be married.
87. Widows who take a vow to remain single for the service of the Lord should be over 60 years of age.
88. If the husband of an unbeliever wants to remain with his wife, she should not let him do so.
89. Older Christian women should teach the younger women.
90. Submission between a wife and husband is a type of the relationship between Christ and the Church.
91. Wives should always submit to their husbands, even when asked to do something morally wrong.
92. Both men and women are to submit to one another.
93. A woman must have a child in order to be "saved by childbearing".
94. Solomon had many wives who turned his heart from following God.
95. Women persecuted the early church, including Paul and Barnabas.
96. The powerful influence of women is always Satanic.
97. There is nothing Christian women can do about the spiritual condition of their nations.
98. Dedication and discipline to God does not necessarily mean you will find direction for your life.
Personal True Or False: Mark the following personal responses either true or false:
99. I completed reading the text for this course..
100. I completed the self-tests at the end of each chapter.