Words Of Faith: These are special words of encouragement and faith
specifically for that individual.
A Special Anointing: A sudden infusion of power, perhaps felt as a tingling,
heat, or supernatural confidence. Sometimes a special anointing comes, and if it
does, flow with it. But do not wait for a special anointing to pray for the sick.
Follow the instructions of Jesus whether you feel it or not.
A Special Act Of Faith: Sometimes God will lead you to tell the person to
perform a special act of faith which will result in healing.
If you are dealing individually with a person, you may want to conduct a brief interview. God
may give you specific words of wisdom about an illness and you will not need to do this. But if
God does not supernaturally reveal the illness to you, do not hesitate to use the interview. An
interview is not required to minister healing, but it helps you gain information so you can pray
specifically. It also helps you determine if a person needs further instruction before you pray.
Jesus used the interview method. He asked people what they wanted, inquired concerning their
faith, and dealt with negative forces of unbelief before ministering to them.
Ask the person, "What is the problem?" Jesus asked a similar question to many who came to
him for healing. Verbalizing the request for prayer is important for the sick. The sick are told to
call for the elders to come minister healing. When the Bible gives a directive, it is for a reason.
Asking is an act of faith that sets in motion the healing processes (James 5:14-15).
(The exception to this, of course, is when a person cannot make a request. For example, the dead
child Jesus raised. But even then, her parents requested Jesus to minister healing.)
Ask for a specific statement. If a request is too general, you will not know what to pray for and
the affected person may not recognize healing when it comes. You need only brief facts: "I have
cancer of the stomach." You do not need a complete medical history. Do not try to analyze the
information you are given. Your function is to pray, not provide advice. Some unique cases may
require privacy and more time with a spiritual counselor. Have counselors available for this
Ask the person who is to be prayed for, "Do you believe Jesus can heal?" If they answer
positively, then ask, "Do you believe Jesus will do it now?” If the answer is "no" to either of
these questions, further instruction from God's Word is needed.
When you are ministering to a large crowd, you will not be able to talk to each person. God may
reveal specific illnesses of people in the audience or may lead you to pray mass prayers for
certain illnesses, such as deafness, blindness, etc. Sometimes you may feel led to pray a general
healing prayer or to have believers in the audience minister individually to those who are sick.