When God looks at the world, He sees multitudes of people standing in a spiritual gap. The
reason for the gap between God and man is sin.
Jesus Christ is the mediator between sinful man and a righteous God. Neither can accept the
other without the mediator. Jesus made it possible for man to be redeemed from sin and
accepted by a righteous God.
Multitudes still wait for the message of the mediator who can bridge the gap between them and
God. The Great Commission Jesus gave was for His followers to enter the gap. He spoke of
going to Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.
They were to start where they were and evangelize Jerusalem. Reaching Judaea and Samaria
would require cross-cultural evangelism. Samaria differed theologically and culturally from
Jerusalem. The far regions of the earth represented an even greater challenge. But each region
represented the gap.
At first Christ's disciples were hesitant to bridge the gap between Jew and Gentile due to cultural
and theological differences. Until persecution came, they did little to extend the Gospel to
regions outside of Jerusalem (Acts 8:4).
If you are to fulfill the Great Commission and reap the harvest you must get out of cultural,
theological, and denominational ruts. You may even have to leave your geographical location.
You must enter the gap to share the good news of the mediator between God and man.
In addition to the gap of sin between man and God there is another great spiritual gap. This is
the gap between the challenge of Jesus to reach the world with the Gospel and the failure of His
people to fulfill that challenge.
Until you receive a vision of the spiritual harvest fields you will never fully understand your role
in the Kingdom of God. It is the cause which gives purpose and direction to Christian life. The
vision of spiritual harvest should be central to your life. For many it is only a minor concern.
We tend to talk about the things we love. We talk about our husband or wife, friends, sports, and
hobbies. We also talk of things that concern us such as politics, finances, and business. But how
often do we speak of lost souls? How much concern do we give each day to the multitudes still
waiting in the gap, the harvest perishing in the fields?
Paul speaks of using the most routine activities such as eating and drinking for the glory of God
(I Corinthians 10:31). Every activity of your life can be centered on the vision of spiritual
harvest. When this happens it gives new challenge, purpose, and direction to your life as a
believer. Every day becomes an exciting quest to see how you can be part of fulfilling the