sepulchre 23:27; sheep and goats 25:31-33; bread and wine 26:26-29
Mark: Fish 1:16-18; seed and soils 4; bread and dogs 8:25-30; salt 9:50; children 10:13-16;
camel and needle 10:23-27; penny 12:13-17; bread and wine 14:22-25
Luke: Fish 5:9-10; garments and wine skins 5:36-39; trees 6:43-45; two houses 6:48-49; soils
and seed 8; harvest 10:2; lambs and wolves 10:3; light 11:33-36; 11:39-40; platters and cups;
graves 11:44; sparrows 12:6-7; ravens 12:22-24; lilies 12:27-31; weather 12:54-57; mustard
13:17-19; leaven 13:20-21; wars and towers 14:26-33; salt 14:34-35; sheep 15:1-7; silver 15:8-
10; mustard seed 17:6; child 18:16-17; stone 20:17-18; penny 20:20-26; bread and wine 22:19-
22; fig trees 21:29-33
John: Wind 3:8; water 4:13-14, 7:37-38; harvesting 4:35; light 8:12, 9:5, 12:46; shepherd 10;
corn of wheat 12:23-24; fines and branches 15; woman giving birth 16:19-21; feeding sheep
21:15-17; washing feet 13:1-17
Study the following references where Jesus used questions and answers as a method of teaching:
Matthew: 5:13,46,47; 6:25-31; 7:3,4,9-11,16,22; 8:26; 9:4,5,15,28; 10:25,29; 11:7-9,16;
12:4,5,11,12,26,27,29,34,48; 13:27,28,51; 14:31; 15:13,16,17,34; 16:3,8-11,13,15,26; 17:17,25;
18:12,33; 19:5,17; 20:6,13,15,21,22,32; 21:16,25,28,31,40,42; 22:12,18,22,
31,32,42-45; 23:17,19,33; 24:2,45; 25:37-39,44; 26:10,40,50,53-55; 27:46
Mark: 2:8,9,19,25,26; 3:4,23,33; 4:13,21,30,40; 5:30,39; 6:38; 7:18,19; 8:5,12,17-
21,27,29,36,37; 9:16,19,21,33,50; 10:3,18,36,38,51; 11:3,17,30; 12:9-11,15,16,24,26,35,37;
13:2; 14:6,14,37,48; 15:34
Luke: 2:49; 5:22,23; 6:4,9,32-34,39,41,42,46; 7:24-26,31,42,44; 8:25,30,44; 9:18,20,25,41;
10:26,36; 11:5,6,11-13,18,19,40; 12:6,14,17,20,24-26,28,42,49,51,56,57; 13:2,4,7,15,16,18,20;
20:3,4,13,15,17,23,24,41,44; 22:11,27,35,46,48,52; 23:31; 24:17,19,26,38,41
John: 1:38,50; 2:4; 3:10,12; 5:6,44,47; 6:5,61,62,67,70; 7:19,23; 8:10,43,46; 9:35; 10:32,34,36;
11:9,26,34,40; 12:27; 13:12,38; 14:9,10; 16:5,19,31; 18:4,7,11,23,34; 20:15; 21:5,15-17,22,23